Get Greener

The blog for sustainable consumerism - or how to tread lightly on the earth right now.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

check out your car

You may be doing worse than you think. The EPA has finally revamped how it estimates mileage, and lo & behold, average MPG in the US is really 22! In addition, there's this little tidbit "In fact, the Prius will appear to save more fuel, compared to the average vehicle, than it does now." :)

I know it's hard to think about buying a car as being a step towards green-ness. But maybe, with your next car purchase, you will have a better idea about what the actual MPG is (instead of some artifical number that's overinflated).

Maybe it's just me - but I think that 22 MPG stinks. Maybe it would be better if the gov't subsidized these greener, more fuel efficent cars the way that they subsidize oil, or milk, or whatever. Oh, wait -- that's what this article is about.



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