I just read an
article about how some businesses are claiming their products are organic when in actuallity the products aren't. Apparently they are getting away with it because the USDA, the guys responsible for enforcing organic standards, are not actually doing the enforcing. There's also the companies that just skirt by the standards or just barely meet the letter of the standards while missing the intent. What's the real issue here? Dilution of brand. Companies who put in the time, effort, and money to meet high standards are being hurt by companies who put in the bare minimum (or put in nothing at all).
So since this is really a dilution of brand issue then I suggest the organic companies change tactics: create a trademark - perhaps something like "Real Organics (tm)" and then license that brand only to companies that actually meet the high standards you are trying to set. Then any of those cheating companies who try to use the mark without permission can be sued in court for trademark infringment. Plus when the cheaters try to create their
own brand - say "Really Organic (tm)" you can still sue them for dillution of brand.
Forget the government, who has proven itself inept and incapable, and take a lesson from the commercial industry. Or for that matter, the Orthodox Jewish community and their "circle U" brand.
I hope this idea gets to someone who can make it happen. I looked for a way to email
Treehugger.com (a green blog site) or the
Cornucopia Institute (the folks suing the USDA) but I couldn't find a way to contact either of them. Hopefully somehow this idea will make it's way through the internets into the hands of someone who can use it.