Get Greener

The blog for sustainable consumerism - or how to tread lightly on the earth right now.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

How old are you today?

In 3rd grade, I ate in the school lunchroom, and we ate our food with sporks. On the back of each spork was a number- and as far as me and my best friend were concerned, the number represented how old you were that day. For some reason this was HYSTERICAL in 3rd grade.

This memory has been brought to you by Vegware, the makers of one brand of compostable cutlery. If we used these back when I was in 3rd grade, or if kids used these now for all of their kid-messy activities which require disposable cutlery, imagine how much less stuff would be taking up our landfills!

Of course, ideally we would never use disposables. But sometimes they are what you are going to buy, and if you are going to buy them - you can buy responsibly!

End of line

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

in order to discover the cost of our presence

In order to discover the cost of our presence on Earth, we can buy this little device that checks our energy useage. Mostly it will tell us exactly how much money having a bigger blender or a less efficent refrigerator will cost us.

What's nice about it is you can do a little cost-benefit analysis on any product you own and want to replace, to see how quickly you can make back the money you spent on a new, more energy efficent model!

Here's a guy doing just that over at

Friday, June 23, 2006

waste not, want not

What do you call stuff that you want to throw away? A waste product.

Those of us with dogs or cats know that they have waste products, too. We usually call them poop.

Cleaning out the cat litter or picking up the dog's waste is icky unless you put something between yourself and the poop - namely a PLASTIC BAG. Plastic bags are icky because, well most of them aren't biodegradable. They fill up our landfills and make the stuff that's inside the bag fill up our landfills.

It would be a much better world if Fluffy's waste was allowed to degrade too, don't you think? That's why I like this product so much.

And just because I like to say it again - POOP!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I love you, olive oil

Turn off your dead-dinosaur-powered lights and try these olive oil lamps from Lehman's. Renewable, no smoke or odor, and won't catch on fire if it spills over. You can also use vegetable oil or liquid fat or grease. Burn, baby, burn!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Family Car

The only car I remember being in, as a kid, was a Volvo. And because I grew up with them, I find their headlights comforting, their dashboard cozy, and the boxy shape to be as inviting as a cafe serving italian sodas on a hot summer day.

So I guess I like them - and am a little biased in this report.

However, I would like to say that I like this new style they have developed. It can run on up to five different types of fuel sources. Wherever you go, you will be able to find something to fill them up with. More importantly - the gas station is VERY avoidable!

I wonder what kind of gas mileage they get?
